The best Sinterklaas gifts and shoe gifts for children - HappyKido
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The best Sinterklaas gifts and shoe gifts for children

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The best Sinterklaas gifts and shoe gifts for children

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The days are getting shorter, the evenings cozier, and Sinterklaas is just around the corner! For parents of children, this is an exciting time of year, when you can see the twinkle in your little ones’ eyes as they put out their shoes and wonder what surprises await them the next morning. If you’re looking for fun Sinterklaas gift ideas and shoe presents, you’ve come to the right place. In this blog post, we’ll share some great gift suggestions that will keep the magic of Sinterklaas alive.

Sinterklaas gifts for children

1. Toys and puzzles

Toys are always a hit with kids. Consider buying toys that fit your kids’ interests. Whether it’s LEGO sets, stuffed animals, dollhouses or board games, there’s something for everyone.

2. Books

Books are a great gift for children of all ages. Choose books that match your child’s reading skills and interests. Whether you’re looking for picture books for toddlers or exciting adventures for older children, there are plenty of options available.

3. Art supplies

Encourage your children’s creativity by giving art supplies as gifts. Think crayons, paint, drawing paper and craft kits. These will allow children to unleash their imagination.

4. Clothing and accessories

Sinterklaas is a great opportunity to give clothes and accessories as a gift. Think of warm winter clothes, nice pyjamas or even a new backpack.

5. Educational toys

Educational toys can be fun and educational. Consider gifts like science kits, construction kits, or educational apps that help children develop new skills.

6. Outdoor toys

If your children love to play outside, consider gifts such as bicycles, go-karts, skipping ropes or a football. Playing outside is not only fun, but also healthy.

7. The sensory body sock

A sensory body sock is a stretchy, lycra bag that wraps around a child's entire body and stimulates sensory input. Sitting in a body sock while watching a movie can be both relaxing and entertaining.

Reading tip: The benefits of a sensory body sock!

Shoe gifts for children

1. Candy and chocolate

Traditionally, candy and chocolate are the perfect shoe gifts. You can think of gingerbread nuts, chocolate letters, or small bags of your children's favorite candies.

2. Small toys

Little surprises like bubbles, stickers, marbles, or mini puzzles fit perfectly in the shoe and are sure to put a smile on your kids' faces.

3. Sinterklaas booklets

Special Sinterklaas booklets are great to read aloud and contribute to the excitement and understanding of the Sinterklaas tradition.

4. Shoe gifts with a personal touch

Consider adding a personal touch to shoe gifts. This could be a homemade drawing, a handwritten letter from Santa Claus, or a specially decorated shoe gift.